Attention!!!! Waterdrops company using the same concept to cheating to public. Please dont invest any vending machine provide by waterdrops company.They are VENDING SCAM!!!! Please help us to forward this website to your all friend.thank you.
titan group... oh tidak baru je bukak booth kat MIECC belakang The mines Balakong, aku da bayar booking RM50 tadi.. adakah aku salah satu mangsa nye. esok aku nak refund balik booking. tapi tadi bukan jual water drop, tapi kiddy rides. Bayaran pon mahal gile RM 18000.00. Sesape yang tak puas hati datang la cepat. Kat Bangunan MIECC, belakang The Mines Balakong, esok 6 Disember 2009 last day. Pukul 11am sampai 10pm.
I'm one of the victim of waterdrops vending machine. this blog is display all the information that i collect from internet ad some other website. Please make attention to Waterdrops sdn bhd this company .They are the scam company. The latest product is the smart kios. They also using the same way to cheatting to all of public. Please becareful!!!!
1 comment:
titan group... oh tidak
baru je bukak booth kat MIECC belakang The mines Balakong,
aku da bayar booking RM50 tadi..
adakah aku salah satu mangsa nye.
esok aku nak refund balik booking.
tapi tadi bukan jual water drop, tapi kiddy rides. Bayaran pon mahal gile RM 18000.00. Sesape yang tak puas hati datang la cepat.
Kat Bangunan MIECC, belakang The Mines Balakong, esok 6 Disember 2009 last day. Pukul 11am sampai 10pm.
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