Monday, July 28, 2008
Penyelewangan wang oleh syrikat waterdrop.
Penyelewangan wang oleh syrikat waterdrop.
Aduan mengenai penyelewengan wang oleh waterdrops sdn bhd Sebuah syarikat yang bernama Waterdrops Sdn Bhd (WSB) telah menelefon/ menghubungi saya pada 11hb May, 2008.
Menurut pemanggil tersebut yang disyaki bernama Wan memperkenalkan dirinya dan mengatakan dia mewakili WSB ingin menjemput/mempelawa saya untuk menghadirkan diri dan saya juga diberitahu yang satu voucher percutian dalam dan luar negara.juga akan diberikan kepada saya secara percuma apabila saya datang menghadiri penerangan selama 45 minit.
Setelah tiba di pejabat WSB yang beralamat di tingkat 10 Blok B, Megan Phileo Avenue II, Off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, pada 11hd May, 2008, Saya di bawa ke bilik perundingan untuk menjadi \"Investor kiosk vending Machine". saya dapati WSB ini memanggil saya untuk menerangkan tentang plan perniagaan. Untuk mendapatkan voucher percutian seperti yang dijanjikan, saya dikehendaki untuk meluangkan masa 45 minit untuk mendengar penerangan tentang plan perniagaan dan juga mesin kiosk mereka.
Semasa penerangan tersebut saya diberitahu harga kiosk tersebut ialah RM38,000.00. Perunding berkenaan Cik Awie Mostafa 0173435853 dan pengurusnya yang memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai En.Daniel 0126641101 telah memujuk saya hampir 2 jam untuk membeli mesin ini dengan langsung tidak memberikan masa untuk saya berfikir panjang. Saya berterus terang mengatakan yang saya tidak mempunyai wang yang sebegitu banyak untuk memulakan perniagaan dengan membeli mesin kiosk tersebut dan telah diberitahu tidak perlu membawa sebarang kad kredit atau wang. En.Daniel memberitahu saya supaya membuat pinjaman bank dan dia akan menguruskan pinjaman perniagaan (business Loan) daripada bank.
Sekali lagi saya berterus terang memberitahu bahawa saya tidak berminat untuk membuat pinjaman dari bank mahupun business loan kerana sudah cukup dengan komitment yang sedia ada.Saya bimbang sekiranya tidak mampu membayar balik pinjaman. En.Daniel cuba meyakinkan saya secara bersungguh-sungguh bahawa WSB akan megesyorkan saya bahawa dalam perniagaan ini saya tidak mungkin mengalami kerugian kerana WSB akan sentiasa memantau perniagaan saya dan berjanji akan menasihatkan saya tentang perkembangan perniagaan saya.
Meskipun saya tetap dengan pendirian saya yang tidak mahu mengambil pinjamanbank. En.Daniel yang tidak berpuas hati dengan pendirian saya, setelah mendengar keterangan dari saya dia menawarkan/mencadangkan saya satu cara (idea) dengan menyuruh saya supaya membuat bayaran pendahuluan (deposit) dengan menggunakan kad kredit sebanyak RM11,400.00 iaitu 30% daripada harga mesin tersebut. Apabila dia melihat saya teragak agak untuk membuat bayaran melalui kad kredit, dia dengan serta merta berjanji dan berkata dia akan mendapatkan saya plan bayaran ansuran tanpa faedah, ‘Easy Payment Plan’ (EPP) daripada pihak bank. CIK Awie juga berkata investor yang pernah membuat sebarang pinjaman peniagaan dari mana-mana bank senang diluluskan kerana WBS mempunyai hubungan baik dengan pihak bank.
Dengan itu dia berjanji dan memberikan kepercayaan, kononnya tiada masalah yang akan timbul untuk mendapatkan EPP daripada mana-mana bank. Kerana tidak mahu kehilangan seorang “customer’, dia bersungguh sungguh dan berjanji katanya lagi setelah saya membuat bayaran 30% barulah WBS akan menguruskan pemprosesan dokumen perjanjian jual beli untuk memberi mesin kiosk air jenis premier tersebut untuk memulakan perniagaan.Dia mengesyorkan supaya saya melakukan transsaksi kad kredit saya dan isteri sebanyak RM 5,000.00. Dia berkata lebih cepat saya bayar, lebih cepat boleh dapat mesin dan dapat beroperasi, lalu dalam keadaan yang terdesak saya telah dipaksa rela untuk memberikan kad kredit untuk dibilkan kepada syarikat ini sebanyak RM 2,000.00 dengan menslotkan kad kredit CIMB Bank isteri saya.Selebihnya pula sebanyak RM 9,400.00 perlu dilangsaikan secepat mungkin pada keesokan harinya.
Terpengaruh dengan kata dan janji beliau yang mewakili WSB, maka saya pada tarikh 13 hb May, 2008 tepat jam 6.30 pm dan ditempat tersebut ingin membuat bayaran pendahuluan kepada WSB berjumlah RM 9, 400 seperti yang dijanjikan tetapi telah diperkenalkan kepada Puan Nora yang memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Bendahari dan mengatakan bahawa saya layak mendapat harga mesin atas sebab bumiputera dengan menurunkan harga mesin premier air daripada RM 38,000.00 kepada RM 32,000.00. Dengan ini saya hanya dikehendaki membayar 30% dari jumlah terbaru iaitu sebanyak RM9,600.Disebabkan saya telah membayar pendahuluan untuk booking sebanyak RM 2,000.00 maka baki bayaran pada hari berkenaan adalah sebanyak RM 7,600.00. Pihak WSB telah mengeluarkan resit bernombor 01139 ,01138, 00614 kepada saya sebagai bukti penerimaan wang pendahuluan tersebut. Kad pengenalan dan kad kredit saya telah dibuat bebrapa salinan oleh pekerja di situ untuk permohonan EPP. Selebihnya WSB berjanji bersungguh sungguh untuk mendapatkan EPP untuk saya dalam masa kurang dari dua minggu dengan nilai pinjaman perniagaan yang dijanjikan mencecah RM 55,000.
Saya juga menegaskan disini bahawa WSB harus mendapatkan EPP untuk saya seberapa cepat yang boleh kerana kad kredit akan dikenakan ‘interest’ selepas 20 hari. CIK Awie yang mewakili WSB berjanji akan mendapatkan EPP secepat yang mungkin dalam masa satu bulan itu, dan sebaik EPP ditawarkan kepada saya mesin kiosk itu boleh dipasangkan di lokasi yang ditentukan oleh WSB dan mula beroperasi sepenuhnya dan boleh menampakkan hasil. Pada 15 hb May, 2008 saya telah dihubungi oleh pihak ALLIANCE BANK melalui telefon bimbit saya dan memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Cik Nana 0196767518 yang mengatakan bahawa pinjaman saya hanya diluluskan sebanyak RM11,000.00 sahaja. Kemudian saya terus menghubungi Cik Awie mengadukan hal tersebut saya menyatakan ketidakpuasan hati saya kerana saya dijanjikan pinjaman perniagaan sebanyak sehingga RM 50,000.00 tetapi yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya. Cik Awie menyarankan saya membuat pinjaman dengan 3 bank berlainan.Kemudian setelah itu, setiap kali saya cuba menghubungi CIK Awie, dia mengatakan bahawa wakil dari pihak bank lain akan menghubungi saya dan meminta saya agar bersabar dan menunggu panggilan dari Bank.
Hari berikutnya saya dihubungi oleh En Nizam dari Hong Leong Bank dan diminta datang ke Hong Leong Bank Jalan Pasar Seni untuk menyerahkan dokumen berkaitan. Saya telah merisik berkenaan dengan business loan yang dikatakan oleh pihak WSB dengan Encik Nizam tetapi dia menyatakan bahawa tiada loan sebegitu, jika adapun ianya memerlukan cagaran.
Dengan ini saya merasakan saya begitu tertipu dan rasa susah hati dan mula hilang kepercayaan terhadap WSB.Pihak Hong Leong juga hanya meluluskan jumlah had (credit limit) sebanyak RM8,000.00 sahaja yang sama sekali tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah yang selebihnya. Apabila saya merujuk perkara ini kepada pihak WSB, Cik Awie menjemput saya datang ke alamat yang sama dan saya mula menyatakan ketidakpuasan hati saya berikutan dengan apa yang telah berlaku. Tetapi dalam masa yang sama saya telah diberikan satu alternative di mana saya disarankan membuat pinjaman dengan pihak koperasi di bawah Skim Pinjaman Usahawan Makro/ Koperasi (SPUMK) .
WSB telah memberi berbagai-bagai alasan seperti nama saya dan isteri blacklist padahal kami tiada sebarang hutang tidak berbayar dengan pihak bank atas kegagalan untuk mendapatkan EPP untuk saya seperti yang dijanjikan Sementara itu saya mendapat tahu ramai lagi orang seperti saya telah tertipu dan terpedaya oleh pihak WSB melalui kaedah yang sama setelah menyelidik dalam laman web KPDNHEP, tribunal tuntutan pengguna dan Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia. Di samping itu juga penyata kad kredit seterusnya untuk bulan berikut juga telah dikeluarkan untuk membayar hutang kad credit bersama interest sekali. Kini Sudah satu bulan lebih wang saya disimpan oleh pihak WSB dan saya pula terpaksa membayar interest.. Saya telah beberapa kali ke pejabat dan menghubungi pihak WSB untuk mendapatkan pulangan wang terbabit tetapi berbagai alasan telah diberikan. S
aya juga telah merujuk kepada Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna dengan membuat aduan bernombor O-WP-53-2008. tetapi tidak dapat dilakukan kerana saya bukan ditakrifkan sebagai pengguna tetapi peniaga . Dokumen perjanjian jual beli yang ditandatangani juga belum saya terima Saya telah memohon agar wang saya dikembalikan, tetapi pihak WSB enggan berbuat demikian. Walau bagaimana pun syarikat ini berdolak dalik untuk memulangkan kembali wang pendahuluan berkenaan. Saya juga telah menghubungi pihak KPDNHEP dan bertanyakan berkenaan masalah saya dan mereka menasihatkan saya membuat aduan di Biro Bantuan Guaman untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat tetapi tiada tindakan yang boleh diuruskan oleh pihak berkenaan .
Saya disarankan supaya menghubungi semua pengadu yang mengalami nasib yang sama dan bekerjasama untuk melantik lawyer persendirian. Laporan di Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia juga telah saya buat dan dilaporkan hampir 75 kes yang serupa dilaporkan pada persatuan ini. Saya percaya bahawa tindakan wakil-wakil WSB adalah satu skim memperdaya dan menipu orang ramai. Saya percaya pihak WSB telah melakukan beberapa kes jenayah komersil dan pihak berwajib diminta melindungi orang ramai agar tidak diperdaya melalui skim seperti ini.
Saya membuat laporan ini bagi tujuan mendapatkan kembali wang yang telah ditipu dan diperdaya oleh pihak WSB dan memberikan kesedaran pada public agar tidak mudah terpedaya dengan syarikat-syarikat seperti ini.
Tindakan pihak berwajib membantu mengekang fenomena penipuan alaf baru ini adalah perlu dalam memastikan nasib mereka yang teraniaya terbela.
Hi All Victim, , we hope can collect all victim contact then
together going to their office and discuss with them.thank you
Waterdrops & Smart Kiosk Vending Machine-Awas!!!! Jangan Terpedaya ...
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LW ( Post Date: 04 Jul 08 )
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sesape yang nk ikut macam report dalam metro tu bleh call 012-2769756. nama dia nizam. korang kena bersatu. tuntut balik upah lawyer. kos tanggung sama2.
siti ( Post Date: 02 Jul 08 )
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saya pun terkena gak dlm bln lepas.mula2 suami ygdi panggil pegi ofis diaorg dan ajak masuk waterdrop.kali kedua suami saya pegi bersama saya untuk membayar pendahuluan tapi smpai skang bila saya call katanya bank tak lulus dan nak cuba bank lain ler.tapi yg saya hairan masa pegi ofis diaorg mcm takde apa aje yg ada cuma satu mesin,kerusi dan meja je.saya rasa apa kata kita pakat ramai2 call tv3 dan serbu waterdrop ramai.abis tu polis tak nak tolong.
syifa ( Post Date: 28 Jun 08 )
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axl dan zahafiz, klaun nak g mengamuk ke waterdrops tue jgn lupa ajak saya se-x...bagi tarikh dan masa...kita pergi ramai2..bawa media smua...di harian metro ada jugak bagi tau yang syarikat diorang nie akan tutup xlama sebelum terlambat kita wat tindakan
syifa ( Post Date: 28 Jun 08 )
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sy jgak salah seorang mangsa watre drops dah bayar dekat 7500...sekarang nie tak ada apa2 berita pun dari water drops.bila call selalu saje beri alasan yang diorang akan call minggu depan lah,tengah,apa kata kita pakat ramai-ramai buat laporan polis,antar berita pada tv3 suruh buat liputan tentng syrikat waterdrops nie...ntah baper juta ntah dia dapat nak tipu duit orang..kita tak patut berdiam diri..itu semua duit kita..bayar saje..tapi biznes xjalan..klu ada saper2 perasan, akhbar harian metro ada dah tulis berita pasal water drops, saya nak minta pertolongan dari anda smua, kalau ada saper2 yang ada cara tuk dapat balik refund yang dah kita bayar kat waterdrops....
khairul ( Post Date: 26 Jun 08 )
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sy pun dh setuju kita kena fight utk dpt blk duit kita
axl reez ( Post Date: 13 Jun 08 )
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Setelah saya dapat tau company ni menipu org saya terus mintak refund (RM500) ni dah masuk bulan ke 2.Depa cakap boss x release lg cheque tu.saya dah hilang sabar skg ni.Depa senang2 aje ambik duit org mcm tu.Sapa2 yang mahu bersama saya untuk pergi ofis depa tgkt 10 tu, sila kontek saya a.s.a.p kita p MENGAMUK kt sana.
ZAHAFIZ LAGI......!!!!!!! ( Post Date: 12 Jun 08 )
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barzah78 ( Post Date: 11 Jun 08 )
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betul ker???? nasib baik aku ltk deposit dlm rm25 hengget jerk!!!!! hampeh tol!!!!!!! patut la dia punyer opis mcm disco!!!!! psang lagu kuat2!!!!! kepala puqk tol!!!!
Joe ( Post Date: 05 Jun 08 )
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Hi, I am one of the vimtim too. I have fully paid, but the get back is very bad. Now the machine got problem, and they are avoiding me. Is there any one really coordinating to take action on them?
zahafiz ( Post Date: 02 Jun 08 )
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antu ( Post Date: 21 May 08 )
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think b4 talk..........
Kenny ( Post Date: 05 May 08 )
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Today i write that i 'think' i also one of the victim who paid total amount of citibank 5+6k and Ambank 1.6k. after reading all the forum on the net at, i wonder the company is really a bad company.. i m confius now.. the person liase with me is Michael Yong . It also the same i got a call from some 1 named Karen as me to go to the office for kiosk machine 90min presentation, They SMS me the address as below :- Block B, 10th floor unit 125, Megan Phileo Avenue ii off jalan yap kwan seng, 50450Kuala Lumpur. then i get drop of with the depost of 30% by credit card. During the payment of credit card, they ask me to sign on their so call 'agreement' and 'no refund' letter, i got a doubt here to get my total of RM12,600.00 refund.. Please help.. Do i need to make a police report? if so where should i go to? i m staying at PJ. i am the newbie on this business, and i do not know where to report too... Please email me to for advice on how to i get back my depost in full. Thanks you in advance.. Kenny
kel ( Post Date: 05 May 08 )
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damn!!...nasib baik aku baru bayar rm200 utk deposit...aku pon musykil gak mule2...seb bek parents aku ade gtaw aku yg da kuar paper mende camni... btol gak ape parent aku ckp, kalo wat mende nie leh kaya, da ramai org kaya da kat dunie be careful la sape2 yg dpt invitation dr waterdrops nie... ramai lg yg kene tipu sebnarnye nie, smlm aku pegi kat tmpt 2, ade gak yg dtg bawak ank2, dgr temberang dorg nie...consultant kunun...
brad ( Post Date: 28 Apr 08 )
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I one of the victim. Let us take legal action . I already talk yo my lawyer . If we combine the cost might be lower . 013-3697945
delie ( Post Date: 19 Apr 08 )
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waterdrops is in johor bahru menara maa lavel 18
ZAHAFIZ ( Post Date: 19 Apr 08 )
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zahafiz ( Post Date: 19 Apr 08 )
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sharna ( Post Date: 13 Apr 08 )
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to yy.You shud responsible for the transaction that you have agreed.Do act before its too late.If you found that co is misleading in anyways.Find proof or act under direct selling act and get refund fr the co.As consumer you should have cooling of period.Do not blindly sign with uncertain transcation.If payment made by credit card you can dispute via yout card centre.Take action before it is out of time frame to charge back.Hope this advice will help you.
yy ( Post Date: 10 Apr 08 )
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saya br smlm RM6500. Camner nak dpt refund blk. CC center kata payment masih pending tp transaction dah approved. CC hanya boleh cancel kalau transaction cancel dr dorang punya mechine
source from :
Monday, May 12, 2008
Waterdrops Corporation Sdn Bhd are:
760711145727 - CHEAM TONG MENG (CEO)
790518065693 - TAN CHEE HUI RICKY and (Director)
670920016332 - ROSINA BTE MOHD AMIN (Director)
Water Drops CEO PA - Azura PA
Asisstant - MIMI
MANAGER - NICK - 016-9104546
Location Manager - RAY 016-2038102
Ricky Location Manager - 012-7081212
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Front office water drops and Smart Kiosk Sdn Bhd
Location Manager - RAY 016-2038102
Waterdrops Corporation Sdn Bhd / Smart Kiosk Sdn Bhd <---Vending SCAM!! A-7-2,Megan Phileo Avenue II,
Off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala LumpurWilayah Persekutuan
(Tel) 03-21712008 / 03-2166 8308
(Fax) 03-21712108
Waterdrops & Smart Kiosk Vending Machine-Awas!!!! Jangan Terpedaya ...
Waterdrops & Smart Kiosk Vending Machine-Awas!!!! Jangan Terpedaya ... KIOSK is VENDING SCAM !!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
victim of waterdrops machine.
information copy from
■ Waterdrops Sdn Bhd
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Viewed 1824 times
Date: 27/08/2007 10:31:15
Posted by: Abd Aziz
Complaint No : OTH0708034XBusiness Name : Waterdrops Sdn BhdI need help to anyone have the experience with waterdrops company. I have purchase the bending machine and was operating for about 3 months. The problem that i have facing is the promise by the waterdrops staff does not come true all the promises was not real. The guarantee to achieve 3 years capital investment was bulls**t. I try to call the waterdrops company but they start passing around and no answer was given. The person that suppose to contact me just not reply back my call. I made call at lest more then 10 time. I wanted to return back this machine to the waterdrops. anyone could help me how the procedure. Thanks[ My Desire Outcome ] :
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View Comments/Replies
zulbhan wrote:
Hi, Aziz,I am Zul. I just signed up to become the investor of the machine as well. It happened yestreday. I think it is also improtant for me to learn from you whetehr I will continue my plan or not.As they informed yesterday, in such case that the amount returned is based on location. Investor who place the machine at their chosen places normally face the problem. May I know that the lacation is chose by yourself or recommended by them?This is the first complaint I read about waterdrops. The rest of the complaints are about non-refundable deposit.If possible you provide me the answer so that I could ask them in my coming visit there.Thank you.Zul
27/08/2007 14:40:39
Abd Aziz wrote:
Dear Zul,All the location was recommended by the company and they promise that the collection at least RM 500 and guarantee capital return within 3 years or less. But problem that when i made a call to tell them my collection problem they don't want to return my call and I am still waiting to get answer from them. Furthermore they promise if the collection not reach to the amount that they recommended they will remove the machine to another site. But still this is empty promises. They are not professional and their after sales service not they and they are only interested to get new buyer and left the old struggling with their own business. My recommendation to do not get involve before its too late.RegardsAbd. Aziz
28/08/2007 10:03:45
zulbhan wrote:
Hi, Aziz,Thank you for your advice.I shouldnt have allocated my time to talk to them last Sunday in the first place.I have paid some amount as well which I think it wasnt a good step at all. Now Im getiing help from our friends here to get back the money.I'll raise your problem as well if i receive any reply from our friends here via their private email..Banyakkan bersabar dulu..
28/08/2007 10:32:09
mazhard wrote:
ingat lagi masa jumpa director dia Mr Jay ...malam tu siap kata lagi ini bisnes halal ...staff dia yang ramai melayu tu nak kasi makan anak bini dorang .....halal , guna duit halalnie nak bagi tau sikit la kat Mr Jay ...dalam Islam nie ... kita hanya bayar apa yang kita dapat ...takde halal kalau bayar 6,7,8,9k kalau apa barang pun tak dapat ... so better bagi balik aje duit kitorang tu ... ingat nak hidup aman bahagia kat malaysia nie ... tak payah ada rasa benci , sakit hati dendam kat orang
30/08/2007 15:29:15
zulbhan wrote:
En. Aziz, saya ada consult jugak dgn pihak polis semlm after advice from mazhard pasal ni. Why not pegi buat aduan kat Tribunal pengguna utuk buat tuntutan. masuk laman ni:
30/08/2007 16:39:11
Abd Aziz wrote:
Dear All,saya dah cuba ajukan melalui aduan e-tribunal tetapi maklumbalas dari mereka ialah seperti beriku-t:Dalam konteks ini Tuan/Puan tidak ditakrifkan sebagai Pengguna kerana tuan/puan membeli produk ini untuk tujuan perniagaan dan bukan untuk tujuan sendiri dan keluarga.Tuan/puan boleh merujuk perkara ini di dalam akta Pelindungan Pengguna 1999 (Akta 599) pada seksyen 3 takrifan kepada Pengguna.Sekian, terima kasih.I think there is another way to make complain tetapi tak dapat dikesan. Minta kawan kawan yang boleh menolong supaya tuntutan ini dapat diselesaikan.Sekian terima kasih.
31/08/2007 23:32:51
megadisc wrote:
it's hard time also the guys want to play with it ...this is like so bad man...
03/09/2007 13:53:16
mazhard wrote:
Sistem e-TribunalPERTANYAAN TUNTUTAN1. No. Rujukan : O-WP-33-20072. Tarikh Pertanyaan : 28 Ogos 20073. Pihak Yang Bertanya : MOHD AZHAR **************4. Soalan :Saya berpendapat syarikat tidak menunaikan janji-janji mereka . Saya inginmenuntut pemulangan deposit kerana saya membuat pembatalan dalam masakurang 10 hari dari tarikh pembayaran deposit5. Maklumbalas : Pertanyaan tuan/puan adalah dirujuk. Sehubungan dengan itu, Tuan/Puan bolehmemfailkan tuntutan yang tertentu di Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia.Tuntutan boleh dibuat dengan mengisi Borang 1 yang boleh diperolehi di pejabatTribunal yang terdekat. Borang 1 tersebut juga boleh dimuat turun daripada lamanweb kementerian ini di Bahagian Kepenggunaan atau daripada alamat etribunal di ditekankan bahawa keputusan di atas tuntutan yang difailkan akan dibuatberasaskan fakta dan undang-undang yang dikemukakan/dirujuk oleh kedua-duapihak semasa pendengaran tuntutan. Tribunal ini tiada bidang kuasa untuk memberinasihat perundangan kepada mana-mana pihak. Bidang kuasa tribunal ini adalahuntuk mendengar dan memutuskan tuntutan yang difailkan melalui Borang 1 olehpengguna. Sekian, terima kasih6. Pegawai YangBertugas: ****************************Terima kasih kerana berurusan dengan Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia. Bagi tujuan pemfailan Borang 1 silabawa salinan ini ke kaunter Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia yang berdekatan.
07/09/2007 14:59:18
mazhard wrote:
sesiapa yang nak buat tuntutan di bahagian tuntutan kecil sila download borang dihttp://download.yousendit.c... atau kalau file dah dibuang , sila email .. untuk dapatkan borang
21/09/2007 14:38:57
xcqckng wrote:
hi mazhard, I'm the unlucky victims of waterdrops. appreciate if you could mail the borang tuntan kecil to my email i would like to get full refund deposit RM8800 from the b****y waterdrops. thankscheerschin keong ng
20/10/2007 10:35:59
ZouL wrote:
Please update the status. I think I'm the latest victims of this company. Paid them 12k for prepaid topup machine. They still not install the machine. When I called to talk to Nicholas, always give excuse that he's with the customer. Said want to return my call,but didn't.
30/10/2007 23:17:19
ZouL wrote:
Should I make a police report?
30/10/2007 23:18:54
xcqckng wrote:
hi Zoul,i think here are not safe to discuss, please feel free email to me at cheers
31/10/2007 08:13:36
ZouL wrote:
I want to get my money back. Please tell me how. I could be reached at 019-3805939
31/10/2007 20:49:24
mazhard wrote:
i will go to tuntutan kecil coutrt jalan duta on 14 nov ... need help from anybody who feel they are being cheat , i need your police report and payment receipt to helping me fight againts themmail to or fax number : 03-22404833thanks
05/11/2007 17:57:37
mazhard wrote:
lupa nak kasi tau ... 14 nov tu hari perbicaraan ... kenkawan yang ada masa boleh la datang sama-sama .. mungkin boleh support .mungkin ini 1st case claim thru tuntutan kecil , so menang kalah saya nanti akan effect lelain claim jugak . Tu pasal nak mintak support semua .. apa sahaja yang kawan-kawan ada , report ke ... resit or anything ... just fax or email .thanks
05/11/2007 18:12:44
mazhard wrote:
Ministry raids water dispenser company MARIAM THANY A DIRECT-SELLING company involved in the sales of water dispensers and mobile prepaid reload machines may land in hot water. The Kuala Lumpur based company is alleged to have been operating without licence from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Af- fairs Ministry. The company, which has been in operation for four years, will be in deeper trouble if investigations reveal that consumers have been duped into investing in the machines. Its alleged improprieties were discovered in August following an undercover operation by the Fed- eral Territory Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry officers, who posed as potential customers. The operation followed a tip-off from The Malay Mail?¡¥s Hotline, which had received complaints from consumers who claimed they had been cheated by the company (see accompanying story). Last Wednesday, six enforcement officers from the Federal Territory Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, led by enforcement officer Norita Abdul Aziz, raided the company at 4.30pm and seized two machines worth RM100,000. There were 20 employees at the premises during the raid. While the company had ob- tained an operating licence from the Registrar of Companies, Fed- eral Territory Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs enforcement chief Othman Nawang confirmed it did not have a direct-selling licence to operate the business. ?¡ãThe company is running its business using a direct-selling concept via telemarketing,?¡À said Othman, adding that its staff would contact potential customers and invite them to visit its premises for further information on the water dispensing business. ?¡ãWe are waiting for the com- pany to furnish us with related documents, including Sirim and Health Ministry certification for their products,?¡À Othman said. The machines are priced at RM23,000 for the deluxe model and RM33,000 for the premier model, while the mobile prepaid reload machine is priced at RM43,000. The case is being investigated under Section (4) of the Direct Selling Act 1993. If convicted, the offender is liable to a maximum fine of RM50,000 for in- dividuals and RM125,000 for a corporate body, or a fine of RM100,000 or a jail term not exceeding three years, or both, for individuals, and a fine of RM250,00 for a corporate body.
06/11/2007 16:52:34
mazhard wrote:
sape nak dengar ?? !!kebetulan lepas aku kena tu ..dorang call lagik , mintak datang dengar preview ..terus la record
08/11/2007 12:20:51
mazhard wrote:
heran ... raid sudah , tapi masih ada business presentation lagi
12/11/2007 12:53:38
Enchanteu wrote:
i am one of the victim who paid rm1600 for the deposit for the machine. Anyone out there please advice me on how what I can do to get my refunds back?I tried to ask them bu they said deposits are not refundable. Please help.
22/12/2007 23:45:10
■ water vender machine
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Viewed 2475 times
Date: 05/07/2007 11:01:38
Posted by: adamng
Complaint No : OTH0707008XBusiness Name : waterdrops corporation sdn bhdDear All,I just read your complaint about invest in waterdrops vending machine, but its too late for me, coz i just paid for the deposit, now I want to get back of my deposite, is there anyone can advice me the way to cliam back...?Thanks[ My Desire Outcome ] :
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View Comments/Replies
dlnk21 wrote:
have you got your deposit back? i m a victim too.
15/07/2007 23:14:38
dlnk21 wrote:
Hi, My name is David Lim. I have been a victim of Waterdrops recently. They told me that my deposit of RM2000 is refundable if I am not interested to invest after consulting my wife. Well, they lied. Now, they told me that the deposit is not refundable.I have made a report to Malay Mail. Now, I need to find as many people who has been cheated by this company. If you are a victim, please participate. Call Marym from Malay Mail at 03 2282 1002. She will be writing an article about their scam. If you need to contact me, this is my number 012 3212797
18/07/2007 22:07:32
dlnk21 wrote:
I've just got my RM2000 back... Thank God. And I would like to thank Marym of Malay Mail. Waterdrops' attitude actually changed back to the 'professional' type and responded to my request to refund after Malay Mail helped me. So, my dear victim, be it RM400 or RM4000, email me your story and we will try to help you. DLNK21@yahoo.comDavid Lim
25/07/2007 20:06:59
ceciliachua79 wrote:
Hi ad**ng, Did your case settle? i had same problem with you ... we want to request for refund. Please contact me at We will meet their boss on next tuesday night at their HQ. Feel free to contact us if you want to join.
29/07/2007 17:52:53
quipit wrote:
Hi Ceciliachua79,When is the "next tuesday night"? I send you email also.I'm angry, very angry, took my money just like that.. :( not my money actually.. my credit card.. its the bank's money that i have to pay.. probably for 15-20 month.. :( :( :( sad.. sad.. sad..My story;These Sales People use the "Fear of Lost" method and giving away somthing like points or rewards if can introduce more people to get sales. I've told them; "On the day decision" is very difficult and need to think first. but they said "Its OK, when cannot, we give all back to you (while facing other place). Think this; if they said it is not refundable at the first place, I will walk away, will not pay and will not sign anything.Who in the world introduce me to to this people? I'm not a lucky guy..p/s David, thanks for the info.. :)Q-pit.
02/08/2007 12:16:48
Paul Tan wrote:
David, Cecilia, & Whoever out there who can HELP us, pls advise: HOW can we get our (my brother called David Lim yesterday, & all he said was, 'Go to Water Drops yourself & talk to them - we have talked a LOT to them already, it's pointless; need Firmer, Effective action & RESULT !!) $$ BACK ??HELP, please... someone... anyone???TQ in advanceSincerelyPaul
02/08/2007 22:26:39
quipit wrote:
Hi Paul,Check this mesages/ topics => AirKu vending machine and How to get Airku refund.The topic is related..Paul, if you planning to go to their office again, tell me (, I want to put their boss behind bars. And close their shop. :) "angry now"I really want to go, but I'm alone. One way is to go as a team.."Mr. Cheam" Thats what i got...... I ask the receptionist, but not giving full name, even the phone number. TIAAndy Quipit
03/08/2007 12:38:42
Paul Tan wrote:
Dear AndyThank you very much for your response.Pls give my brother a call (016-211-0838)? He has all the Receipts/evidence.I agree with you, Cheam, Thanga, Joyce, all these crooks should be put behind bars !!TQPaul
03/08/2007 20:37:27
pmftan wrote:
Dear Andy, & any other 'Victims' out there:My relatives & I went there yesterday (Sunday) evening, & were hastily ushered into the "Manager's Office", by a "En Nik"; after pussyfooting around for about half an hour, with words like, '..pls wait, my Manager will be here...", he finally asked me to write a letter to their Management, requesting for the RM9,000 (Yes, NINE Big ones!!), refund. He photocopied all the Receipts and my letter, & told me that their Admin would contact me in a few days, & the Refund cheque would be ready in 2 weeks' time.I told him that if I did not hear from them within a week, ie by this Friday, I would contact the Press ( STAR, Malay Mail, Sin Chew, etc), Mr Michael Chong (MCA Lawyer), & take Legal action.Incidentally, I have the full name & IC No. of their "BIG BOSS", Mr Cheam.So, if any staff member of Water Drops is reading this, do Refund me the RM9000 IMMEDITAELY - 3 months OF WAITING is FAR TOO LONG !!TQSINCERELYPaul
13/08/2007 10:50:54
adamng wrote:
Hi paul,I had been tried and still can't get my refund, can u told me how can i contact the "BOSS" ? Thanks...
13/08/2007 14:34:07
pmftan wrote:
Dear AdamPlease share with us what you've done so far, & what response (s) u got from them?DO share more details, & perhaps more of us could try to help u out?I've been told to expect the refund in 2 weeks' time, so there's no guarantee yet - what's Best is for ALL of us to take action, TOGETHER, in order to see positive & fast results ??I wish more of us, 'Victims-in-common' could share more of our individual experiences, so that this Crooked company WILL STOP their business !!So, please, let's hear from more of u out there?TQSincerelyPaul
13/08/2007 15:08:25
adamng wrote:
I did meet one of the manager Standy, and i did told him that your staff and sales manager didnot mention that deposit cannot be refund, and he talk to his boss, the answer is not refundable, thats why I surfer about this, and I did call up malay mail Ms. Marym, but can't located her, hope we all can groub together and told to the press...
13/08/2007 16:31:58
pmftan wrote:
Dear AdamI totally agree with you.Andy & Cecilia are also planning to take action. If I don't hear anything from their office, as promised, by Friday, let's ALL take action together.Andy & Cecilia, if you read this, please acknowledge, & we'll contact each other on Friday ?Adam, pls leave us your HP No, so that we can call you then?TQSincerelyPaul
13/08/2007 23:15:35
adamng wrote:
Hi Paul, thanks for reply, my contact no is 019-3626628, hope we all can get back our refund...TQ.
14/08/2007 04:52:13
quipit wrote:
Paul,I'm free this week end.I'm preparing my letter (refund request), just incase they ask for it. Then we just give it. Bring only photocopy of the aggrement and the receipt. Do not give them the original copy. Give the original after their cheque is cleared in your account. :)nd.Q
14/08/2007 10:04:57
pmftan wrote:
Dear Andy & AdamTQ 4 both yr inputs.Yes, let's get's prepared.Shall update you by Friday afternoon?TQSincerelyPaul
14/08/2007 19:01:27
mazhard wrote:
just back meet mariam .. got advised from her ..very nice person. For my case , i will lodge a police report to get the bank transaction stop to the companyi'll update later .. please include my name into the listAzhar - 0133473847thanks
14/08/2007 20:23:32
pmftan wrote:
Hey, Azhar, Good to hear from you, & I'm so very glad to hear of your intention to lodge a Police Report.With UNITY, there will be STRENGTH - Cheam & his crooks will have to face the music this time.Yes, Azhar, please update us.Keep in touch, & Take Good Care !!TQSincerelyPaul
14/08/2007 20:57:33
mazhard wrote:
actually , i am sign the transaction receipt on 11/8/2007 .. according to Mariam , also a bank centre ...the transaction is still pending for another few day . Its seem that i still having time to get my bank to stop the transaction ..with police report its should be possible.I wondering .. there is should be a "cooling period" once we sign the buying receipt .. i has to get fast to asked them to refunding my money before the end of "cooling period"
15/08/2007 08:49:02
quipit wrote:
I'll be back...
27/08/2007 08:58:01
pmftan wrote:
Friends, pls call asap ? TQ
27/08/2007 10:37:45
adamng wrote:
Hey Tan, how is your status...?Ionly receoved the sms last Thursday, said wan to meet me this week...TQ
27/08/2007 15:55:55
mazhard wrote:
Oh god , really thanks to citibank .. i really get back the debit into my account ..with the police report has made on 15/8 , following with filling the dispute form on the same day .. The amount has debit again into my account But , yesterday got letter from maybank that they refuse to debit back the transaction into my account :(
28/08/2007 13:20:45
pmftan wrote:
DO continue to pursue this, esp with the latest info rec'd y'day??Persevere. right to the END !!
28/08/2007 13:29:59
mazhard wrote:
Date Description Debits Credits UNBILLED TRANSACTIONS CREDIT CARD NO : *************5099 11-08 CR-I0708160110-WATER DROPS RM 4,000.00 11-08 CR-I0708160108-WATER DROPS RM 300.00 11-08 WATER DROPS KUALA LUMPUR MY RM 4,000.00 11-08 WATER DROPS KUALA LUMPUR MY RM 300.00 above is the summary .. i believe that transaction with CR is the redebit into my account .. only thing is the date is the same with the credit date .. anyway ..the statement really didnt include the waterdrop transactionTo Mr Zul ... i think you has to get the action fast . The transaction on Sunday , i believe is still floating between your credit card bank and the merchat bank
28/08/2007 13:41:29
mazhard wrote:
Date Description Debits Credits UNBILLED TRANSACTIONS CREDIT CARD NO : *************5099 11-08 CR-I0708160110-WATER DROPS RM 4,000.00 11-08 CR-I0708160108-WATER DROPS RM 300.00 11-08 WATER DROPS KUALA LUMPUR MY RM 4,000.00 11-08 WATER DROPS KUALA LUMPUR MY RM 300.00 above is the summary .. i believe that transaction with CR is the redebit into my account .. only thing is the date is the same with the credit date .. anyway ..the statement really didnt include the waterdrop transactionTo Mr Zul ... i think you has to get the action fast . The transaction on Sunday , i believe is still floating between your credit card bank and the merchat bank
28/08/2007 13:41:31
dissapointed wrote:
Anyone is planning to buy water vending machine? I am selling water vendiing machines at RM5k per unit when I bought at RM33,888 per unit from con-men. I have a few units for sales...Check the link for the picture: http://forum.globalassociat...I want to lelong it, beli murah,...lelong, lelong...
07/09/2007 16:12:32
mazhard wrote:
petang tadi aku pergi office waterdrops ..nak bagi saman dari small claim court , by hand ... bukan nak mintak apa pun ..just bagi je receive acknowledment .. tapi sorang mamat tu .. malas aku nak tanya nama dia ... call sana sini ..last sekali dia bagi balik form tu kat aku kata admin dorang tutup cop signature semua takde.suruh datang balik esok (isnin) , takpelah aku tau Isnin dorang memang tutup office.So , aku cakap kat dia ..takpelah .. aku akan post surat tu by registered mail . Bukan aku tak boleh nak by AR registered , tapi ingat kalau face 2 face boleh la negotiate lagi ...malas nak pergi court... tapi kalau dah camtu .. takpelah jumpe aje kat court 14 nov nie
21/10/2007 21:00:30
mazhard wrote:
petang tadi aku pergi office waterdrops ..nak bagi saman dari small claim court , by hand ... bukan nak mintak apa pun ..just bagi je receive acknowledment .. tapi sorang mamat tu .. malas aku nak tanya nama dia ... call sana sini ..last sekali dia bagi balik form tu kat aku kata admin dorang tutup cop signature semua takde.suruh datang balik esok (isnin) , takpelah aku tau Isnin dorang memang tutup office.So , aku cakap kat dia ..takpelah .. aku akan post surat tu by registered mail . Bukan aku tak boleh nak by AR registered , tapi ingat kalau face 2 face boleh la negotiate lagi ...malas nak pergi court... tapi kalau dah camtu .. takpelah jumpe aje kat court 14 nov nie
21/10/2007 21:00:32
pmftan wrote:
Dear Azhar, Adam. Andy Quip, & any others - don't be afraid of their empty & vexacious threats - PLEASE go ahead & sue them till kingdom come.. Take action, TOGETHER... NOW !!Let me know, please..??TQ
21/10/2007 21:58:52
tkchan wrote:
Hi, Did notknow there is existing complains here too. I'm another victim..Infact long victim since Nov'06..Worst I paid RM19,888 on the machine which generate only RM200/mth and worst sometime RM40 per month although they promised incomes of >RM1K during sweet talking!!The best I can do is contibue asking them to relocate. probably will call Malay Mail soon!...
30/10/2007 22:18:24
pmftan wrote:
Dear TK ChanSo sorry to hear of your plight - as I've suggested so many times, ALL of you have to take a united stand, go to Michael Chong's office (Wisma MCA), & take LEGAL ACTION, together !!Justice MUST be Done !!All The Best !!
30/10/2007 22:43:23
tkchan wrote:
Possible this Saturday? I*'m free this Saturday Morning..Why not all meet up at Michael Chong office at 10am....I'm thinking of lodging a police report contact no:0122166115
30/10/2007 22:53:59
Xuan wrote:
Hi there,Can anybody tell me how to get back my RM11,000 deposit for the water vending machine if i decided not to join now. What is the refund policy under the consumer's act.
19/11/2007 18:20:22
pmftan wrote:
Dear Xuan & TK ChanMy sincere sympathies.Please contact the following asap:-1) Azhar: 013 347 38472) Andy Quip: 019 338 86433) Andy Tan: 016 211 08384) Adam Ng: 019 362 6628 I heard that some Legal Action has started; the more of you there are, the better your chances of getting some, if not all of your money, back.Take Action, NOW !!TQPaul
19/11/2007 20:13:53
mazhard wrote:
kalau ada yang on yahoo messanger ..jgn lupa add
20/11/2007 13:56:30
Xuan wrote:
Dear pmftan and others,what are the actions that r we suppose to do?? any result so far?I have wrote a demand to refund letter to them, but the answer is no. So i have lodge a polis report recently...& I am thinking to hire a lawyer to sue the company. Is there any lawyer that can be recommend? I want to get my deposit back.....please help
27/11/2007 18:45:33
pmftan wrote:
Dear XuanActually, some of us have already gone to see lawyers in Michael Chong's office - I suggest you call Azhar or Andy Tan immediately to organise a 'Collective Action' ??All The Best !!TQPT
28/11/2007 09:42:03
mazhard wrote:
Rugi RM1 jutaOleh Iskandar Shah MohamedKUALA LUMPUR: Seramai 41 ahli perniagaan mendakwa mengalami kerugian lebih RM1 juta selepas diperdaya sebuah syarikat pembekal mesin runcit automatik yang kononnya menawarkan peluang perniagaan air osmosis dan kios kad prabayar di sekitar ibu kota. Bagi meyakinkan mangsa, syarikat terbabit turut 'menjual' nama pelbagai agensi perniagaan terkemuka negara selain mempamerkan logo Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC) dan Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (Matrade).Mangsa yang bersetuju menandatangani kontrak dikatakan tidak perlu membayar penuh harga mesin dan hanya diminta melabur 30 peratus atau tidak lebih daripada RM50,000 bagi melayakkan mereka mendapatkan mesin automatik berkenaan. Selepas mangsa melakukan pembayaran, syarikat terbabit bagaimanapun, enggan menghantar mesin terbabit ke tempat sepatutnya selain tidak memberi perkhidmatan seperti dijanjikan.Mangsa ke pejabat syarikat itu untuk meminta semula wang deposit pelaburan yang sudah dibayar kepada pihak terbabit tetapi diarah mencari 10 rakan kongsi niaga atau membayar penuh baki 70 peratus daripada harga mesin automatik terbabit sekiranya ingin memiliki semula wang pelaburan sebelumnya.Selain itu, mangsa dimaklumkan hanya akan menerima wang terbabit selepas semua sembilan individu berkenaan berjaya membayar penuh harga mesin automatik itu.Mangsa, Jonathan Toh, 35, mendakwa kerugian RM90,000 selepas terpedaya dengan penjelasan syarikat itu yang kononnya menjanjikan peluang cerah, katanya ketika ditemui di Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA di sini, semalam.Hadir sama Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA, Datuk Michael Chong. Ketua Penasihatnya, Datuk Tham Book dan Ketua Seksyen Kepenggunaan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Selangor, P Jeevananth
30/11/2007 14:01:24
bamash wrote:
hi, i've just paid deposit to waterboss, business plan similar like waterdrop, plan to get back refund. anybody heard bout this compony, office in damansara utama. have booth at Tesco also
11/12/2007 22:53:25
Xuan wrote:
Dear bamash,This is the same company like my case. Believe me, they wont refund you the deposit, i had tried before. Please give me your contact no. so i can call you up for further info.
12/12/2007 11:06:15
bamash wrote:
Dear Xuan,019-2026205bamash07@yahoo.complan to go to the office this afternoon 2pm, then to fill-up the dispute with my cc..any info really appreciated
12/12/2007 11:31:22
kychai wrote:
thankx for this message. i nearly fall on this trap
21/12/2007 18:47:40
anti waterdrops sdn bhd domain details
MYNIC Registration No.: D1A074539
Record created on 07-Feb-2007
Record expires on 07-Feb-2009
Record last updated on 12-Feb-2007
Status: Normal
Travel Discovery Marketing Sdn Bhd
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MYNIC Handle: DCA040411
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